Lavander (Essential Oil)
Lavander Essential Oil
- Latin name : Lavandula Officinalis
- Family : Labiate
- Origin : Europe, South of France
- Extraction : By steam distillation of the vapour of the flowers
- Composition : Acétate de linalyle, géraniol, bornéol, limomène, pinène
- 2,5 ml glass bottle
Originating in Persia, Canary islands and the Mediterranean littoral, but now different species grow in all Europe, and especially in the High Alps. It is the species which flowers exhale the finest and the most subtle perfume.
The essence is efficient for the treatment of skin problems such as ecchymosis, chilblains, acne, and dermatitis. It also reduces the oedemas and relieves rheumatism. It has an extraordinary power on burns . It is used in the treatment of infectious diseases, respiratory organ infections, rheumatism, hypertension, bites, insect stings, genital-urinary diseases.